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The Dangers of Leaving Addiction Treatment Early

The time and effort it takes to get a loved one to agree to addiction treatment can be immense. Encouraging them to stay in treatment until the program is complete can prove to be an even harder task. The reason for this is not cut and dry. Excuses for leaving addiction treatment early can range from physical discomfort from withdrawal to emotional struggles connected to being away from loved ones. However, you can help them stay in treatment by being their biggest advocate – and we’re here to help you navigate this difficult topic.

We always tell family members that, more than likely, there will be rebuttals and requests to leave treatment early. Fortunately, there are ways you can prepare to support and encourage them during their road to recovery.

Why Not Leave Addiction Treatment Early?

On average, 40-60 percent of people going through rehab will relapse at some point along the way. This is a normal part of recovery, especially considering how the disease of addiction can alter neurological processes and damage entire organs.

For this reason alone, it’s crucial for your loved one to stay in addiction treatment throughout the entire program. By staying in treatment, they can really learn how to establish a solid state of sobriety and the necessary therapeutic techniques needed to face the temptation to relapse, if it should arise.

Here are the Risks of Leaving Rehab Early

If your loved one wants to leave treatment prematurely, it’s important to consider the dangers. Some of the very real risks of leaving addiction treatment early include:

  • Physical Complications from Withdrawal
    The first 24 to 48 hours of addiction treatment can sometimes be the most difficult. Physical withdrawal from some substances can be severe and require the oversight of medical professionals.

Trying to leave treatment during this time frame creates a situation where your loved one could suffer serious physical consequences due to the stress that detox has on the body. This can also lead them to relapse immediately after they leave.

  • Creating a False Sense of Accomplishment
    When your loved one makes the decision to enter rehab, they may exhort a sense of pride and accomplishment, and rightfully so. Deciding to face the disease of addiction and fight back against its grip is courageous, but declaring victory too soon is a mistake many people struggling with a substance use disorder often make.

Encouraging them to see the entire program through is imperative. It equips them to not only overcome their addiction, but to also manage the inevitable cravings that arise long after treatment ends.

  • Failing to Properly Address Their Addictive Triggers
    A disease as devastating as substance addiction is a complicated beast. It can originate from a number of reasons, from trauma to hereditary traits, and can increase in significance in a heartbeat.

During the process of addiction rehab, your loved one will be guided by clinical staff while they face their addiction triggers, or the personal influences that exacerbate their substance use. Leaving treatment early robs them of this therapeutic journey and leaves them vulnerable to repeating their addictive patterns once they return to the community.

  • If Fear Drives Them to Leave Early, It Can Also Drive Them to Overdose
    While no one ever wants to think of their loved one experiencing an overdose, the reality of substance addiction makes that potential all too real. If your loved one finds themselves overwhelmed by the process of addiction treatment and decides to leave early, the comfort of their substance use disorder may prove too enticing to avoid.

After all, when people get stressed, they typically run back to what they know best. A person struggling with addiction often finds themselves returning to their substances of choice when things in their life become too difficult to manage.

The Benefits of Staying in an Addiction Treatment Program

When your loved one remains committed to treatment and completes their program, there are obvious benefits that increase the likelihood of long-term sobriety and wellbeing. We have seen first-hand that the longer the program (90 days), the more success an individual struggling with addiction leaves with.

These can include:

  • Identifying the Addictive Patterns that Drive Substance Use
    Staying in an addiction treatment program for the long haul allows your loved one to identify the behavioral patterns that have influenced their substance use. From trying to cope with trauma to managing stress or boredom, the decisions and impulses driving their substance use disorder are important to identify so they can learn to manage them after treatment.
  • Staying Away from the People and Places that Negatively Influence Them
    Deciding to stay in rehab for an extended amount of time can help your loved one physically stay away from the people and places that encourage their substance use. This time away helps them address their disease while also learning new techniques for developing and maintaining a healthy and sober support network within the community.
  • The Importance of Having Loved Ones in their Life
    Needless to say, having supportive loved ones along their recovery journey is an important indicator for personal success. Taking the time to work through their addictive behaviors and identify the loved ones who helped them overcome their addiction is an intricate portion of treatment.

Throughout the course of therapy, your loved one will be encouraged to identify the people in their life who genuinely care about them, so that once treatment concludes, they know who they can turn to if things get difficult.

30, 60 & 90 Day Holistic Addiction Treatment Programs at Ranch Creek Recovery

You can exhaust every avenue and resource to help your loved one recover from addiction. Ultimately, your loved one’s recovery must start with them recognizing they have a problem and wanting to get better. Entering a holistic addiction treatment center could be the exact thing your loved one needs.

Offering an alternative to the traditional 12-step program, Ranch Creek Recovery offers a variety of
all-encompassing, holistic in-patient treatment services. Your loved one’s situation is unique, which means their treatment should be customized to fit their individual recovery needs.

Learn more about Ranch Creek Recovery, including what we offer and what we treat. Have questions? We’re here to help in any way we can. Contact us today.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration logo American Society of Addiction Medicine logo Incidental Medical Services logo The Joint Commission of National Quality Assurance logo California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals logo American Society of Addiction Medicine logo California Department of Health Care Services logo LegitScript Certified badge for Ranch Creek Recovery

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