Cocaine is a substance you never thought would enter your life. But, out of curiosity, peer influence or a natural progression from other drug use, your entanglement with coke began. The first time delivered a new kind of euphoria – one that made you feel alive, awake, cool and powerful. Your first time turned into occasionally, then constantly, and before you knew it, you were addicted to cocaine.
The high is ravishing, but it never lasts long enough. Your addiction may be draining your bank account, causing lack of sleep or other health problems and making you feel like nothing else matters. The high that comes attached to cocaine corrupts your brain chemistry and has a way of making you feel as if it is the only good thing in your life.
When reality sets in, your lifestyle, actions and well-being alarm you. You know the pace you’re trending at is not sustainable, but, at this point, you’re unsure how to safely and successfully stop cocaine addiction.
There is one thing you need to know off the bat: You can stop using cocaine.
Learn about detoxing from cocaine, including symptoms of cocaine detoxification and the different recovery routes you can take.
When compared to other drugs, cocaine is an outlier. While it certainly delivers feel-good, alluring effects, its coveted high only lasts, on average, for 15-30 minutes. It’s common for cocaine users to get caught in binges – where the drug is snorted or smoked repeatedly at increasingly higher doses – that last for three or more days. As the dosage or frequency of use increases during these binges, unpleasant side effects can take over, such as paranoia, hallucinations, panic attacks and plummeting dopamine levels that lead to depressed feelings.
The danger of cocaine doesn’t stop there. In fact, sometimes it doesn’t matter how much is taken and how often, cocaine can easily lead to a heart attack, seizure, respiratory failure and much more; or – in the most extreme cases – sudden death.
Then there’s the danger of incredible financial loss. Cocaine addicts usually get caught in a risky and often detrimental cycle of spending entire paychecks on a cocaine fix that will only last a weekend. When the work week starts again, life is ridden with intense anxiety – leaving addicts wondering if they’ll make it to the next payday. Addiction, however, typically continues to claim the majority of future paychecks, too.
Ultimately, there is no means to an end when addicted to cocaine except more cocaine.
The cocaine detoxification process is unique for every addict and depends on the severity of the addiction. Detox symptoms can range in intensity from person-to-person, with some effects emerging more severe and longer lasting depending on the individual.
As the brain craves more cocaine, common cocaine withdrawal symptoms include:
Even though cocaine withdrawal does not bear the same risks as detoxing from opioids or alcohol, dangerous symptoms can still develop, making a medically assisted detox the recommended route.
Because one of the most powerful symptoms is a craving for more cocaine, quitting cold turkey or trying to wean off of cocaine alone almost always leads to relapse. Nevertheless, with relentless commitment to getting sober, an unassisted cocaine detox can be done.
No matter which route you choose, when you’re ready to leave your coke addiction behind and get your life back on track, it’s vital you have a detoxing plan in place, rather than winging it.
Start by choosing where you will detox from:
Remaining in the home during the detoxification process is what most addicts prefer. Home is familiar and comfortable. Home also requires an incredible amount of will-power, as home can be distracting with addiction triggers.
Before committing to this route, have an honest heart-to-heart conversation with yourself.
If you’re serious about kicking your cocaine addiction at home, try to find and join a local addiction recovery support group, as these gatherings can give you the support and motivation you need to keep up the great work.
Remember, you can always try this route and if it doesn’t work, you can switch gears and pursue other effective methods.
The recommended route to detox from cocaine is at an established treatment facility where addiction experts and medical professionals can oversee the withdrawal phase and help addicts safely and successfully get sober.
Because cocaine detoxification can take several intense, uncomfortable days, and because the risk of relapse is so high when it comes to cocaine addiction, a fully staffed team of licensed professionals can monitor you (stabilizing vital signs and regulating body functions), make you comfortable and coach you through the recovery process.
Additionally, the withdrawal and detox management process at a recovery facility offers:
Regardless of where your cocaine addiction has landed you – if you’re in financial ruin, your family has stopped communicating with you until you quit using cocaine, your career is hanging on by a thread or any number of other reasons – you can stop cocaine addiction and get your entire life back on track.
Don’t let cocaine claim your life or hurt those you love the most any longer. There is life-changing support and a sober future is possible.
At Ranch Creek Recovery, your precise detox needs are our main priority; your successful recovery and sober re-entry into society is our utmost mission. At our non-12 step rehab and holistic recovery center, our cocaine abuse treatment program delivers all-encompassing methodologies of medical and physical treatment, psychology, holistic and experiential therapies, and preparation to forge the drug free future you desire.
Learn more about Ranch Creek Recovery, including our cocaine abuse treatment program and dedication to individualized care.
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