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Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers Can Provide Help for Your Troubled Teen

Your son comes home from school and goes directly to his room. You and other family members don’t even notice that he’s already home. He stays there for hours, even prefers to eat his dinner there instead of joining the family at the dinner table like he should. If this is a familiar occurrence in your home, that may be a sign that your child needs help.

No man is an island, as they say, and children most of all need the support of those who genuinely care for them. Your child isolating himself in what is supposed to be the most social period of his life (high school) might mean that something is troubling him. By keeping to himself in his room, he may be fostering some form of negative emotions inside him. If that negativity is allowed to grow, your kid might turn to drugs and alcohol to try to deal with his feelings.

Help for Troubled Teens

Warning signs of drug and alcohol abuse

If an adolescent starts behaving differently, it could mean that he is developing a drug-related problem. Here’s what you need to look for:

  • Physical warning signs of alcohol or drug abuse, such as bloodshot eyes, frequent nosebleeds, changes in appetite and sleep patterns, sudden weight loss, inattention to proper grooming, frequent cuts and bruises, and impaired coordination.
  • Behavioral signs of alcohol or drug abuse such as getting into frequent trouble at school, drop in attendance and academic performance, missing money and valuables, complaints from school administrators and classmates, engaging in secretive and suspicious activities, clashes with family values and beliefs.

Help for your troubled teen

If you want help for your teen, asking the help of professionals is the first important step. Try to contact an alcohol and drug rehab facility directly. In Los Angeles, facilities like Ranch Creek Recovery can provide you and your troubled child with the assistance you need to overcome this trying time in your child’s life.

Involving the family

Family involvement in the rehabilitation process is important, and trusted drug and alcohol rehab centers in Los Angeles ensure that this happens during the course of the rehabilitation program. Contact a trusted center like Ranch Creek Recovery to learn more about how you can help your teen find his way back to wholeness.

What to Look for – Signs and Symptoms, National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc.
What to Do If Your Teen or Young Adult Has a Problem with Drugs, National Institute on Drug Abuse

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