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Why You Should Go to Rehab Despite COVID-19

Without question, we are currently living in unprecedented times. Everywhere you turn, it seems as if something new or potentially terrifying is staring you in the face. From quarantines and social distancing mandates to employment rates and an endless, daunting news cycle, finding a way to make sense of all the contrasting and frightening information being thrown at you can prove exhausting.

While the facts surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic seem recent, your addiction and the pain you have experienced due to your substance use disorder is probably nothing new. For this reason, it is imperative to focus on your long-term health and address the disease of addiction that you know has been destroying your physical wellbeing and mental health long before you even heard of COVID-19.

Making the decision to enter a rehab facility while panic is gripping the nation may seem difficult. But you must remember that focusing on healing yourself during this time is important, so that once this passes, you will be in a better place to begin establishing lasting health and happiness.

Don’t Feel Ashamed if this Pandemic is Triggering Stressed, Anxious Feelings

The chaos surrounding this pandemic has been unmatched – at least in most everyone’s lifetime. After all, when was the last time any of us truly experienced extended quarantine mandates and travel restrictions, such as the ones we are currently experiencing?

For the vast majority of people living through this pandemic, feeling stressed or overwhelmed has simply become commonplace. For someone struggling to try to manage the addictive triggers and emotional strain associated with COVID-19, the temptation to relapse may be a daily battle.

So, if you find yourself drained or stressed or simply emotionally exhausted at this point in your life, do yourself a favor and allow yourself to experience those emotions. You must give yourself space to experience normal emotions if you want to overcome the addictive triggers that have perpetuated your substance use disorder.

Ways You Can Stop Yourself Abusing Drugs & Alcohol During an Especially Trying Time

The most important thing to remember at a time like this is that free time can prove to be a major contributor to a potential relapse. Why? When you have nothing to do other than dwell on the things that are stressing you out, you are more likely to fall back into old habits.

For an alcoholic, this means turning to alcohol to ease stress. For someone struggling with drug addiction, this means turning to the substance of choice to quiet nerves.

Below are a few ideas to incorporate into your daily routine to manage your stress effectively and avoid unnecessary substance use or an unforeseen relapse during times of increased anxiety:

  • Make Time to Exercise: Incorporating physical activity into your day is an excellent way to decrease feelings of stress, while also improving your overall physical health.
  • Clear Your Mind through Meditation: Quieting your mind during a national pandemic may seem impossible, but it is actually an amazing way to manage feelings of anxiety and emotional strain.
  • Focus on Filling Your body with Healthy Food: Improving your diet and incorporating more fruits, vegetables and lean proteins is not only physically beneficial, but it is an incredible way to improve mental health and perspective.
  • Allow Yourself to Experience Normal Emotions: Go easy on yourself during this time. You are a human being experiencing normal human emotions, so don’t try to block them out; acknowledge them, embrace them and assure yourself that everything will be alright.

Use the idea of quarantine to stay productive by concentrating on your recovery instead of simply dwelling on all the things around you that are out of your control.

COVID-19 Can Be a Reset Period that You Don’t Have to Go at Alone

Making the decision to focus on your sobriety while working to overcome your addiction during this time of social distancing can prove to be the best decision you ever make. Qualified treatment facilities, such as Ranch Creek Recovery, are taking the necessary precautions to ensure that their clientele is safely housed and fully provided for throughout the pandemic.

This enables you to address your addiction in an environment that eases your personal stress and encourages you to focus solely on your recovery journey. Use this time to start treatment and make the most of this recommended isolation period. By doing this, you are essentially hitting the reset button in your life and making progress toward sustained sobriety.

Ranch Creek Recovery Remains OPEN During COVID-19 & Is Committed to Helping You Overcome Addiction Once and For All

As an essential healthcare provider committed to helping people overcome addiction, we remain open during this time.

At Ranch Creek Recovery, we remain steadfast in ensuring our facility delivers health and safety for all our clients and staff members. We are monitoring the coronavirus situation closely, taking precautions and following the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Beyond that, we are taking additional measures within our own treatment facility. If you would like to know more about how we’re operating during the coronavirus pandemic, please read our response here.

Contact us today to learn more about Ranch Creek Recovery and get your questions answered before starting treatment.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration logo American Society of Addiction Medicine logo Incidental Medical Services logo The Joint Commission of National Quality Assurance logo California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals logo American Society of Addiction Medicine logo California Department of Health Care Services logo LegitScript Certified badge for Ranch Creek Recovery

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