The Power of EFT and TFT for Stress and Addiction

What is TFT: Thought Field Therapy (TFT) is a tapping technique used to alleviate stress and anxiety by balancing the body’s energy system.

What is EFT: Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) combines tapping on specific meridian points with affirmations to reduce negative emotions and stress.

Who is a fit for TFT or EFT: Ideal for individuals seeking non-pharmaceutical solutions to manage stress, anxiety, and addiction.

Why should someone choose this: Provides a natural, accessible method for emotional and physical healing without harmful side effects.

What are the negatives: Some skepticism exists due to perceived lack of rigorous scientific evidence and associations with pseudoscience.

What should someone expect if they try it: Expect a structured tapping sequence that targets emotional distress, with potential immediate relief and improved emotional balance.

Understanding the Stress-Addiction Connection

Stress is a major trigger for addictive behaviors, and many people turn to alcohol, drugs, overeating, and other compulsive behaviors to relieve their anxiety. To combat these issues, alternative solutions like Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Thought Field Therapy (TFT) have become more popular.

Origins of TFT and EFT:

  • Thought Field Therapy (TFT): Developed in 1981 by Roger Callahan, TFT uses tapping, rubbing, or applying pressure to relieve stress and anxiety. Despite its innovative approach, it faced criticism for being considered pseudoscience.
  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT): In the ’90s, Gary Craig, a student of Callahan, expanded on TFT and introduced EFT. Craig incorporated healing scripts as part of neuro-linguistic programming to retrain the mind and release negative emotions.

The Importance of EFT and TFT Tapping

EFT and TFT offer natural ways to reduce anxiety without the harmful side effects of pharmaceuticals, providing a crucial alternative for those with dual diagnoses of addiction and anxiety. According to the American Psychological Association’s annual Stress in America survey, stress levels are rising among both adolescents and adults. This highlights the need for effective, non-pharmaceutical treatments like EFT and TFT.

How Tapping Therapy Works

Both EFT and TFT help heal mental and physical imbalances through specific tapping sequences on the upper body’s meridian points, akin to acupuncture but without needles.

Key Aspects:

  • TFT: Uses specific sequences based on the emotions felt by the client, targeting the body’s energy system to promote healing.
  • EFT: Utilizes a generalized tapping sequence with affirmations, making it accessible for self-use to manage negative thoughts and reduce stress.

TFT Tapping Points

TFT uses specific tapping points on the body to alleviate stress and anxiety by balancing the body’s energy system. Here is a detailed look at the primary TFT tapping points and their associated benefits:

  • Eyebrow (EB):
    • Inner edge of the eyebrow, near the bridge of the nose.
    • Helps alleviate stress, fear, and anxiety.
  • Side of the Eye (SE):
    • On the bone at the outer corner of the eye.
    • Addresses anger, resentment, and frustration.
  • Under the Eye (UE):
    • On the bone directly under the eye.
    • Targets emotional distress and anxiety.
  • Under the Nose (UN):
    • Between the bottom of the nose and the upper lip.
    • Reduces feelings of shame and powerlessness.
  • Chin Point (CH):
    • In the indentation between the lower lip and the chin.
    • Helps relieve confusion and uncertainty.
  • Collarbone (CB):
    • Just below the collarbone, on either side of the sternum.
    • Aids in reducing panic and enhances clarity.
  • Under the Arm (UA):
    • About four inches below the armpit, along the side of the body.
    • Addresses feelings of insecurity and enhances self-acceptance.
  • Karate Chop (KC):
    • On the outer edge of the hand, below the pinky finger.
    • Used to balance and re-tune the body’s energy system.

“Ranch Creek Recovery saved my life. I came into RCR lost and broken, trying to get back on track in my life. As a result of this great team of counselors/psychologists, I’ve done more than restore my life; I’ve reached new goals and gained so many life skills that go far beyond just being sober. I love and appreciate all the staff. Know that if you have a willing heart to change, you’re in the right place.”

– Joshua

Navigating Payment and Insurance

We accept various insurance plans, including Aetna, Anthem BlueCross, Cigna, and more. Our team will help you verify your coverage and understand your out-of-pocket costs, making the financial aspect of treatment as stress-free as possible. We are committed to helping you access the care you need in our substance abuse inpatient programs.

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Why Some Avoid Tapping Therapies

Despite the growing popularity and success stories of EFT and TFT, some individuals and professionals remain skeptical of these therapies. It is important to address these concerns transparently.

Common Criticisms of EFT and TFT:

  • Perceived Lack of Scientific Evidence: Critics argue that while there are positive anecdotal reports, the scientific community requires more rigorous, peer-reviewed studies to fully endorse EFT and TFT.
  • Association with Pseudoscience: TFT, in particular, has been labeled as pseudoscience by some due to its unconventional methods and the early trials that were not adequately controlled.
  • Personal Discomfort and Belief Systems: Some people may feel uncomfortable with the physical act of tapping or the focus on energy systems, which can clash with their personal beliefs or comfort levels.

Why These Concerns Shouldn’t Deter You:

  • Growing Body of Supportive Research: Recent studies have begun to demonstrate the effectiveness of tapping therapies in reducing anxiety, pain, and other symptoms.
  • Flexibility and Accessibility: EFT’s adaptability allows it to be practiced alone, offering a cost-effective and readily available tool for managing stress and negative emotions.
  • Integrative Approach: At Ranch Creek Recovery, tapping therapies are used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan, ensuring clients receive well-rounded care.
  • Personal Testimonials and Success Stories: The personal stories of those who have found relief and healing through tapping therapies highlight their potential for significant positive impact.

Differences Between TFT and EFT

  • Tapping Sequences: TFT sequences vary based on specific emotions, while EFT uses a universal sequence.
  • Affirmations: EFT includes affirmations to help focus the mind during the tapping process.

Effectiveness of TFT and EFT

  • TFT: Recognized by the national registry of evidence-based programs and practices.
  • EFT: Gaining popularity for its ease of use and effectiveness in various settings.
EFT and TFT Tapping

How Do I Find a TFT Expert To Help With My Addiction?

Don’t be fooled by thinking that by simply tapping different sequences and following other TFT techniques, you can end pain and recover from addiction on your own. While these methods certainly help in the recovery process, you also need a program that will work with you individually to address your addictions and get to the root of what has caused them to take control of your life.

While TFT instructs users to complete tapping sequences on their own, you still need the guidance of behavioral health specialists to fully detox and start a new path toward sobriety. Don’t expect to fully recover from your addictions through only tapping therapy, as it is one of many modalities required in the recovery process.

Our Goal Is for You to Thrive

Ranch Creek Recovery has three locations that offer holistic addiction treatment, including EFT and TFT. Additionally, we provide daily individual sessions and an individualized treatment plan to help your mind, body and spirit heal.

There’s no magical solution to treat addiction, and alternative techniques alone won’t solve the ongoing struggle that addicts face. That’s why we offer both inpatient and outpatient treatment alongside a recovery plan created by experts in behavioral health to help you find the right path for you.

Give us a call at (877) 997-8931 or visit one of the locations listed below:

25650 Bass Point
Murrieta, CA 92592

36702 Doreen Dr,
Murrieta, CA 92563

43264 Business Park Drive, Suite 101
Temecula, CA 92591